Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Are You Still Relying on Old Marketing Strategies?

The world is forever changing as each generation brings new and fresh ideas to the table in all arenas of business.

If you noticed there are many new marketing tools and concepts available that has really impacted on how we do business. Especially looking at how technology has really put everything on rapid fire.

The mlm industry has rapidly changed to adapt to what the consumer is in search of. It is no longer the case where we have the exclusive and the greatest. All the competitors have the same thing to offer which is the latest and greatest. I don’t want to forget ground breaking as well.

The Marketing Competition is Ferocious

Being in the mlm industry you will find that the competition is fierce and if you are still trying to sell someone on your business opportunity then it’s going to be along road ahead.

The strategy of selling and not taking a “no” for an answer and putting a submission hold on your prospect until they have finally said yes has worked in the past. Many have made a great living doing it this way.

But as I mentioned earlier, change is inevitable and you have to be able to adapt to those changes. Those strategies of beating your prospects to saying yes to your product or service are no longer as effective as they used to be. People just won’t put up with that any longer.

So there had to be a shift in the marketing strategy. A shift that some say it revolutionized the mlm industry and propelled greater success for those involved.

This strategy may have been around in the pass but it probably was not scrutinize as much as it is today and only those who were actually implementing it were seeing the huge results in their mlm business.

Attraction Marketing Strategy to the Rescue

Attraction marketing has revolutionized the way we now market our selves, services and products.

I would like to do a quick recap on three elements involving attraction marketing and how you can put these marketing strategies to work in your favor.

One of the things you can do is provide value. People are looking for solutions to problems and they are looking for quick solution because unfortunately time is not on our side. Providing valuable information that is useful and can be implemented immediately will attract people.

Secondly is to work on building a connection with your prospect. Think about it, you would not like it if you met someone and immediately they were trying to get you to join their company and trying to sell you their products which frankly you may not have a need for either. In this process you just want to get to know the person and develop a relationship that is non-threatening.

And thirdly, give away free stuff like e books, product samples, and free how-to information. This is bringing out the value that can benefit your prospect and believe it or not, everyone loves freebies.

Putting the Pieces Together

Once these steps are in place in your marketing strategy you could then place your call to action. You will definitely have better chances of someone joining your business venture or trying out your products and services.

Then if that doesn’t work, you could just say forget all of it and beat them into submission. I’m just kidding.

The process of attraction marketing does take practice and discipline to implement. It doesn’t happen over night. But if done in a consistent manner it can create a bounty of success and most important transform you into the entrepreneur you visualize.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and please leave a comment below.
To Your Success
Learn more about attraction marketing with this FREE seven day video bootcamp.


  1. Great information here, Love the 1,2 n 3. I really believe building a connection is most important.


  2. Marlon thanks for your article. I have the benefit of being a little older than most ( will be 64) it is a very young 64. This has allowed me to be around when high pressure was the way it was. It did work well for those of us who learned the game. I happen to like the way it is done now much better. TSA has offered us the newest of platforms to build our busnesses. Thanks again for taking the time to post your article.
    Ross Joyner

  3. Hello Ross,

    You are a young 64, keep up the great work. I do not like that pressure technique myself and it still happens. I still get those approaches and it's like yeah okay I don't even know you. I rather do business with people I know and like. It's interesting how some of the world's biggest business deals happen on the golf course.


Thank you for commenting. Have a wonderful day!