It's that time of year to spend quality time with family and friends during the wonderful holidays. To enjoy the parties, the laughters, and of course the delicous food and tasty treats.
It is also a time of year where we experience high anxiety and sometimes a great deal of stress. Time is running short and we are looking for that pefect gift but could never seem to think it's good enough. It's that time of year that we gain those extra 10 lbs and vow to take them off in our new year resolution. But don't let me scare you from having a great time. I've been there my friend.
Here are a couple of tips that I want to share with you. Do not let those pounds creep up on you. Portion control! That's right, it's that simple! Try to enjoy foods and treats without over indulging in them. Stay away from excessive liquored drinks. If you are drinking, alternate with a drink of water. Take your multivitamins. We still need our vitamins especially during the holidays to help fight off any cold that may want to sabotoge us. You might get a little run down if you out shopping for many hours.
Try a natural energy drink to give you that extra boost. Stay away from high sugar caffeinated drinks because it may cause you to crash and possibly dehydrate. Here is a suggestion that I like to make. Consider a low carb and low sugar drink like Lift Off.
As far as the gift buying goes you definitely need to have a plan ahead of time. My wife and I finished our shopping by the end of November and now it is nothing but smoothed sailing. What ever extra we decide to get goes into the stocking stuffer as an added "bonus". This is the first time we've done this and it feels great. It has knocked of some of that gift buying stress by ten folds. Give it a try. You'll thank me next year!
Well I leave you with this, enjoy your family and friends. Show them your unconditional love. Have fun, celebrate, and be merry and most importantly take care of yourself because the new year will bring many wonderful experiences.
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