Being part a company or building your company you must have some sort of recruiting process. How do you go about bringing people into your organization? Another thing is once you have people recruited, how do you keep them involved? That will be a different article all together.
I would like to share with you some recruiting tips that can help you get the right people into your mlm business. Of course recruiting is a tough process where it can leave you questioning your abilities. In the same token if you go beyond that part of sometimes questioning your ability you can become great with practice and patience. But just to let you know even the best recruiters get their share of no’s, sometimes more because they are doing more.
Getting People to Even Look at You
So how do you get to recruit people into your team and opportunity? That is one of the toughest questions to answer. You could find a lot of different strategies out there if you go look for them and many of those strategies are right on the money and will work if you apply them.
One of the main strategies that are in agreement by many is the importance of self development. Self development can be the most important thing in how you will be able to recruit people into your company. You see people don’t necessarily join companies or opportunities, people join people.
Developing yourself and very importantly your beliefs in what you are doing is an extremely powerful combination. Now taking the time to develop your belief will give you the confidence when speaking with your prospects and the confidence to determine how you can help them.
It’s not so much that you want them to join your opportunity but how your opportunity or products is is going to help them. If you’re into health products and your prospect is not in need of health products or could care less then it will not do you any good to try to get them into your organization. It in the end they just won’t do anything with it.
They Might Just Not Be Into You
That leads us into targeting your prospects. So how do you go about targeting your prospects? For one, you want to talk to as many people as you can or connect somehow with them. Secondly, if you determined that they have a need for your services then you want to expose them to what you’re doing and how you can help them. Remember you want to let them know about it, not necessarily sell them. Trying to sell right away doesn’t go well with many people.
If they have an interest in what you are involved in, then naturally they would like more information. At this point, you can guide them into more information and eventually to a call of action. The call of action will determine if they are ready to join you or if they are just curious.
What If They Are Just Not Ready to Marry You?
If they are just curious but are not ready to join or may still be skeptical you don’t necessarily want to write them off. They may not be ready or they just want to digest the information you provided. If the information provided was compelling enough for them, eventually they will buy into or recruit themselves into your opportunity or product. This also works the opposite way as well. So it is very important that the information provided is of value and it resonates with your prospect.
So wrapping it up, recruiting is very different for everyone. If you like someone’s style then try to do some of the things they are doing until you develop your style. Also learn from the people who are extremely successful at it.
Continue to practice what you are learning and it will all fall into place. If someone is not interested in your opportunity it’s okay. Continue to network with them and provide value to them. They may know someone that would be the right fit for your opportunity. You just never know, you may recruit their friend.
Recruiting, talking, networking is all part of the process of building your team and organization. Keeping positive in your daily practice will develop your belief and give you the confidence to be great. People will be attracted to you and recruiting will be a lot easier to do.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Please click on the lick button and share the love.
To Your Success,
If your serious about building your business then get more information about attraction marketing and generate an endless amount of leads without calling your friends and family, then click here to get your FREE SEVEN DAY VIDEO BOOTCAMP!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Recruiting - Getting Back to the Basics?
Labels: networking,blogging,motivation
self improvement
Thursday, April 7, 2011
MLSP | My Lead System Pro Review | What is the Big Deal?
If you have been searching the internet for a marketing system that will help you do some marketing online I’m sure you may have come across My Lead System Pro. If not then I want to share with you my review on MLSP.
There are many people looking for the magic solution to their online or network marketing problems. You know the secret ingredient or recipe that has created a lot of success for many online network marketers. The only problem with that is that it doesn’t exist and a lot of people will have to come to terms with that.
Even thought MLSP is an awesome system that will help you achieve great success and train you along the way, it is not the ultimate solution! The part of the system that makes it all work is you!
How Can MLSP Benefit You?
One of the ways MLSP can benefit you is to help you generate leads. Now before I get into talking about leads I just want to clear something up. MLSP is a system that will teach you mainly how to brand yourself as an industry leader and it uses attraction marketing techniques to do this.
With that said, producing or generating leads becomes an easier task. So why generate your own leads? For one you need leads to build your business. You need to target people that are looking to go into your business to create a better lifestyle for themselves and their family.
Another reason is that if you are able to produce high quality targeted leads using 12 different lead generating systems on auto pilot, why wouldn’t you? I remembered when I first did some online marketing; we had to buy our so call “hot” leads at about $110 a pop. Now that was crazy but I did it because my upline said that was the way to build your business. He also said that these were leads ready to join my opportunity.
Not knowing any better I ended spending over $7000 on leads and only signed up 2 supervisors that in the long run didn’t do anything because they would have had to do what I did. So to make a long story short I spent a lot of money on a system that was not duplicable and very expensive.
Now if I had MLSP at that time I would have definitely saved a lot of money, generated a lot of leads, and would have provided my downline with a system that is duplicable. Anybody can use it and it is very inexpensive considering the amount of value that it provides.
Using MLSP will also teach You how to benefit from Many Marketing Strategies
MLSP has a training library available for you to eventually have the knowledge to implement many different marketing strategies and all by following a step by step training that is available in your back office.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to get detailed training, including video, on how to successfully set up each strategy? Of course it would! Not only does MLSP provide that training but the training is provided by the top marketers who have proven the effectiveness of the marketing strategy time after time.
Here are the several different types of strategies that you will receive training on in the MLSP system: Facebook Marketing, Video Marketing, PayPerClick Marketing, Blogging, LinkedIn Marketing, Keyword Research, ListBuilders, Ezine / Solo Ads, Free Classifieds, Forum Marketing, Content / Article Marketing, and MySpace Marketing.
Now you might say well I like doing offline network marketing, I really don’t want to do online marketing. Well guess what, there is also training for offline traditional marketing. So just like Prego, it’s in there!
There is also training available in attraction marketing, mindset, and motivation. The list goes on and on.
Now to the Downside of MLSP
I have been mentioning all the great things about MLSP but there is sort of a downside to all this. It also depends on how you look at it. It can be a downside for some but for others it can also be an opportunity to get out of their comfort zone and learn something new.
MLSP is somewhat of a plug and play system but you still need to set it up, meaning that you will have to get into the system and start putting in your domain names and set up your capture pages and so on.
Now the great thing is that you don’t have to build your capture page but just put the different elements the way you would want your prospects to see them. I am being very general here; you would have to go into the system to get a feel of how it works.
So you have two options, you can continue searching for the magic solution or you can roll up your sleeves, get to work, develop yourself, and build your business by generate your own leads for pennies on the dollar or even for free.
Another thing that I didn’t mentioned even if your leads do not join your primary opportunity you can still generate income due to the funded proposal that MLSP provides. As your leads join MLSP you will earn income. As your leads are offered and buy other marketing training tools that you are affiliated with you will earn income. Also as your leads get on your list, they are your leads not MLSP leads. As they say the money is in the list. So you will definitely be in a win/win situation.
I guess as far as the downside to it all, there isn’t much unless you don’t want to learn how to use a system that will benefit you and your organization. Now you might have to learn a thing or two about the internet but that is also covered in the system.
Now you can check out other systems out there to see if they can compare to MLSP. I know you will find that MLSP is on the cutting edge. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Check it out for yourself and get back with me and let me know.
Thank You for taking the time to read this. If you enjoyed what you read share it with a friend.
To Your Success,
There are many people looking for the magic solution to their online or network marketing problems. You know the secret ingredient or recipe that has created a lot of success for many online network marketers. The only problem with that is that it doesn’t exist and a lot of people will have to come to terms with that.
Even thought MLSP is an awesome system that will help you achieve great success and train you along the way, it is not the ultimate solution! The part of the system that makes it all work is you!
How Can MLSP Benefit You?
One of the ways MLSP can benefit you is to help you generate leads. Now before I get into talking about leads I just want to clear something up. MLSP is a system that will teach you mainly how to brand yourself as an industry leader and it uses attraction marketing techniques to do this.
With that said, producing or generating leads becomes an easier task. So why generate your own leads? For one you need leads to build your business. You need to target people that are looking to go into your business to create a better lifestyle for themselves and their family.
Another reason is that if you are able to produce high quality targeted leads using 12 different lead generating systems on auto pilot, why wouldn’t you? I remembered when I first did some online marketing; we had to buy our so call “hot” leads at about $110 a pop. Now that was crazy but I did it because my upline said that was the way to build your business. He also said that these were leads ready to join my opportunity.
Not knowing any better I ended spending over $7000 on leads and only signed up 2 supervisors that in the long run didn’t do anything because they would have had to do what I did. So to make a long story short I spent a lot of money on a system that was not duplicable and very expensive.
Now if I had MLSP at that time I would have definitely saved a lot of money, generated a lot of leads, and would have provided my downline with a system that is duplicable. Anybody can use it and it is very inexpensive considering the amount of value that it provides.
Using MLSP will also teach You how to benefit from Many Marketing Strategies
MLSP has a training library available for you to eventually have the knowledge to implement many different marketing strategies and all by following a step by step training that is available in your back office.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to get detailed training, including video, on how to successfully set up each strategy? Of course it would! Not only does MLSP provide that training but the training is provided by the top marketers who have proven the effectiveness of the marketing strategy time after time.
Here are the several different types of strategies that you will receive training on in the MLSP system: Facebook Marketing, Video Marketing, PayPerClick Marketing, Blogging, LinkedIn Marketing, Keyword Research, ListBuilders, Ezine / Solo Ads, Free Classifieds, Forum Marketing, Content / Article Marketing, and MySpace Marketing.
Now you might say well I like doing offline network marketing, I really don’t want to do online marketing. Well guess what, there is also training for offline traditional marketing. So just like Prego, it’s in there!
There is also training available in attraction marketing, mindset, and motivation. The list goes on and on.
Now to the Downside of MLSP
I have been mentioning all the great things about MLSP but there is sort of a downside to all this. It also depends on how you look at it. It can be a downside for some but for others it can also be an opportunity to get out of their comfort zone and learn something new.
MLSP is somewhat of a plug and play system but you still need to set it up, meaning that you will have to get into the system and start putting in your domain names and set up your capture pages and so on.
Now the great thing is that you don’t have to build your capture page but just put the different elements the way you would want your prospects to see them. I am being very general here; you would have to go into the system to get a feel of how it works.
So you have two options, you can continue searching for the magic solution or you can roll up your sleeves, get to work, develop yourself, and build your business by generate your own leads for pennies on the dollar or even for free.
Another thing that I didn’t mentioned even if your leads do not join your primary opportunity you can still generate income due to the funded proposal that MLSP provides. As your leads join MLSP you will earn income. As your leads are offered and buy other marketing training tools that you are affiliated with you will earn income. Also as your leads get on your list, they are your leads not MLSP leads. As they say the money is in the list. So you will definitely be in a win/win situation.
I guess as far as the downside to it all, there isn’t much unless you don’t want to learn how to use a system that will benefit you and your organization. Now you might have to learn a thing or two about the internet but that is also covered in the system.
Now you can check out other systems out there to see if they can compare to MLSP. I know you will find that MLSP is on the cutting edge. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Check it out for yourself and get back with me and let me know.
Thank You for taking the time to read this. If you enjoyed what you read share it with a friend.
To Your Success,
Labels: networking,blogging,motivation
company review,
meal replacement,
network marketing opportunity
Monday, April 4, 2011
Mindset | Do You Exercise Your Positive Thinking Daily?
When I was a younger I remembered being in great shape without having to exercise much or watch my diet. I was in pretty good shape.
I also remember how life was not as complicated and the stress level was almost non existent.
Fast forward a few years and I now find myself having to exercise regularly, watch my diet, and work on putting some of the stress in “check” before it gets out of hand.
It is accurate to say as time goes by, the environment, the information, and the habits we are exposed to, especially if they are negative, can really affect you in many ways.
So to counter some of the negative influences we need to take action.
If we are not eating healthy and gaining weight then we need to start an exercise program and work on having a better diet.
If we are constantly exposed to stress from work, people dumping their problems on us, having bad habits and listening to horrible news in the media then we have to inject positive influences back in and get rid of the negativity.
Start Exercising Your Positive Thinking
To maintain a positive mindset we need to work on exercising positive thinking to prevent the negative influences from overtaking our thoughts.
We also need to take control of our negative inner thoughts which tends to surface from time to time.
But is it enough to just read some motivational book and listen to some motivational CD’s? Maybe, maybe not, but it is a start.
But to really create an impact on your mindset and create some powerful positive thinking you will have to dig deeper.
A Little less than a year ago I read Secrets of the Millionaire Mind book by T. Harv Eker. The book spoke about mastering your inner game. The beliefs we have, whether bad or good, is a direct result of our past experiences as children and of the information that have been ingrained in us.
I really did not get it when I finished reading the book. I just thought it was a good read and it was very motivational.
This is My Moment of A-Ha!
This is what I finally came to understand; it doesn’t matter how much positive material I read or how I try to keep a positive mindset if I do not actually address my subconscious beliefs.
So I am going to rewind and explain how I came to finally understand what Mr. Eker wrote in his book about the subconscious mind and having affirmations.
By the way this is also covered in Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich Book.
Here is how it all came together for me. I recently joined the Rich Dad education workshop and I was working on the reference materials.
In the materials there is a section that talks about the power your subconscious mind and how it works either for you or against you. Now during this study there are a series of questions to answer.
The questions are based on your childhood experiences and the lessons you learned from your parents, peer, or whoever else had a great influence on you.
The questioned are focused on what was ingrained into your subconscious mind during that early part of your life.
I was pretty amazed when I began to answer some of the questions with true honesty and really went deep into my memory to answer those questions.
The moral of my story is when there is a blueprint for you to follow from someone who has been through it, FOLLOW IT!
It took me to read three books in order to finally understand what the first book was telling me.
I did however get great value from all of them. More is always better when it come to great value.
Creating a Leveled Playing Field
It was not only a positive mindset that I needed to have but more like a mind shift. It is not enough just to read motivational materials and work on being positive.
If you truly want to have an unstoppable mindset, become nine feet tall, and bullet proof you will have to go deeper.
You have to go into your subconscious mind and start getting rid of those ingrained beliefs that are holding you back.
If you do not address those beliefs then you are fighting a losing battle because your subconscious will always win.
Once you get rid of the beliefs that are holding you back you then would have created a leveled playing field.
Now that you have created a leveled playing field the process of getting positive information ingrained into your mind becomes more effective.
Keep the Positive Information Fresh Every Day
Considering all the negative information we face each day, we need to flush some of that stuff out and of course keep the positive stuff in.
So how do you get rid of the negative noise in your head? One of the best things to do is to continuously add positive information.
Read all the books you can find, listen to all the motivation available, and get around motivated people with a positive mindset.
Let some of that energy rub off on you. Then go out and motivated others. Not only will you help someone else you will help strengthen your own beliefs.
Just like an athlete that works his butt off to get ready for the big game we must work our butt off to have a powerful mindset that will shake off any negative influences.
How Do You Back Up Your Beliefs?
Having created that level playing field, now you can continuously inject your mind with countless of positive information and affirmations connected with emotions.
Attaching emotions along with your affirmations you will create rock solid beliefs. Once you have those impenetrable beliefs you can set a course in your life to accomplish your goals.
I know my explanation of this process is very general but there are in depth studies in this phenomenon that you could research to get a better understanding of how it works.
Now as an mlm entrepreneur looking to build an empire having an unstoppable mindset is powerful. But it is a process that you must work on each and every day.
It is not something you do one month or two and then feel you have acquired the necessary mindset to last you a life time.
As we continue to get hit with different experiences in our life time we must continue to adjust and fine tune ourselves.
Get the Necessary Blueprint to Expedite Your Success
Look for the blueprints that have been created by those who went before you and achieved the mindset you are looking for.
Keep adding rock solid training and education to expand your beliefs and mindset. Keep exercising your positive thinking with training webinars’ or seminars.
Get together with a mastermind team to develop creativity in your thought process.
Get you hands on powerful training materials from those who have fine tuned it and have been gracious enough to put a blueprint in place for us to follow.
For example, leaders like Mike Dillard who has created an empire and is sharing his methods and strategies on how he did it. All we have to do is have the mindset to follow the blueprint.
There are many other leaders out there that have created empire all because of the mindset they have developed in their area of expertise.
It is possible for all us to achieve a level of success if we devote our time to nourish and developed our mindset.
To Your Success!
Recieve Your On Line Marketing Blueprint and FREE Training Videos on How You Can Begin Generating 10 to 20 Leads Daily for Your Business Without Having to Call Your Family and Friends! Begin Creating Your Warm Market Today!
I also remember how life was not as complicated and the stress level was almost non existent.
Fast forward a few years and I now find myself having to exercise regularly, watch my diet, and work on putting some of the stress in “check” before it gets out of hand.
It is accurate to say as time goes by, the environment, the information, and the habits we are exposed to, especially if they are negative, can really affect you in many ways.
So to counter some of the negative influences we need to take action.
If we are not eating healthy and gaining weight then we need to start an exercise program and work on having a better diet.
If we are constantly exposed to stress from work, people dumping their problems on us, having bad habits and listening to horrible news in the media then we have to inject positive influences back in and get rid of the negativity.
Start Exercising Your Positive Thinking
To maintain a positive mindset we need to work on exercising positive thinking to prevent the negative influences from overtaking our thoughts.
We also need to take control of our negative inner thoughts which tends to surface from time to time.
But is it enough to just read some motivational book and listen to some motivational CD’s? Maybe, maybe not, but it is a start.
But to really create an impact on your mindset and create some powerful positive thinking you will have to dig deeper.
A Little less than a year ago I read Secrets of the Millionaire Mind book by T. Harv Eker. The book spoke about mastering your inner game. The beliefs we have, whether bad or good, is a direct result of our past experiences as children and of the information that have been ingrained in us.
I really did not get it when I finished reading the book. I just thought it was a good read and it was very motivational.
This is My Moment of A-Ha!
This is what I finally came to understand; it doesn’t matter how much positive material I read or how I try to keep a positive mindset if I do not actually address my subconscious beliefs.
So I am going to rewind and explain how I came to finally understand what Mr. Eker wrote in his book about the subconscious mind and having affirmations.
By the way this is also covered in Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich Book.
Here is how it all came together for me. I recently joined the Rich Dad education workshop and I was working on the reference materials.
In the materials there is a section that talks about the power your subconscious mind and how it works either for you or against you. Now during this study there are a series of questions to answer.
The questions are based on your childhood experiences and the lessons you learned from your parents, peer, or whoever else had a great influence on you.
The questioned are focused on what was ingrained into your subconscious mind during that early part of your life.
I was pretty amazed when I began to answer some of the questions with true honesty and really went deep into my memory to answer those questions.
The moral of my story is when there is a blueprint for you to follow from someone who has been through it, FOLLOW IT!
It took me to read three books in order to finally understand what the first book was telling me.
I did however get great value from all of them. More is always better when it come to great value.
Creating a Leveled Playing Field
It was not only a positive mindset that I needed to have but more like a mind shift. It is not enough just to read motivational materials and work on being positive.
If you truly want to have an unstoppable mindset, become nine feet tall, and bullet proof you will have to go deeper.
You have to go into your subconscious mind and start getting rid of those ingrained beliefs that are holding you back.
If you do not address those beliefs then you are fighting a losing battle because your subconscious will always win.
Once you get rid of the beliefs that are holding you back you then would have created a leveled playing field.
Now that you have created a leveled playing field the process of getting positive information ingrained into your mind becomes more effective.
Keep the Positive Information Fresh Every Day
Considering all the negative information we face each day, we need to flush some of that stuff out and of course keep the positive stuff in.
So how do you get rid of the negative noise in your head? One of the best things to do is to continuously add positive information.
Read all the books you can find, listen to all the motivation available, and get around motivated people with a positive mindset.
Let some of that energy rub off on you. Then go out and motivated others. Not only will you help someone else you will help strengthen your own beliefs.
Just like an athlete that works his butt off to get ready for the big game we must work our butt off to have a powerful mindset that will shake off any negative influences.
How Do You Back Up Your Beliefs?
Having created that level playing field, now you can continuously inject your mind with countless of positive information and affirmations connected with emotions.
Attaching emotions along with your affirmations you will create rock solid beliefs. Once you have those impenetrable beliefs you can set a course in your life to accomplish your goals.
I know my explanation of this process is very general but there are in depth studies in this phenomenon that you could research to get a better understanding of how it works.
Now as an mlm entrepreneur looking to build an empire having an unstoppable mindset is powerful. But it is a process that you must work on each and every day.
It is not something you do one month or two and then feel you have acquired the necessary mindset to last you a life time.
As we continue to get hit with different experiences in our life time we must continue to adjust and fine tune ourselves.
Get the Necessary Blueprint to Expedite Your Success
Look for the blueprints that have been created by those who went before you and achieved the mindset you are looking for.
Keep adding rock solid training and education to expand your beliefs and mindset. Keep exercising your positive thinking with training webinars’ or seminars.
Get together with a mastermind team to develop creativity in your thought process.
Get you hands on powerful training materials from those who have fine tuned it and have been gracious enough to put a blueprint in place for us to follow.
For example, leaders like Mike Dillard who has created an empire and is sharing his methods and strategies on how he did it. All we have to do is have the mindset to follow the blueprint.
There are many other leaders out there that have created empire all because of the mindset they have developed in their area of expertise.
It is possible for all us to achieve a level of success if we devote our time to nourish and developed our mindset.
To Your Success!
Recieve Your On Line Marketing Blueprint and FREE Training Videos on How You Can Begin Generating 10 to 20 Leads Daily for Your Business Without Having to Call Your Family and Friends! Begin Creating Your Warm Market Today!
Labels: networking,blogging,motivation
self improvement
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